The Venture West Philosophy:
Take Action Take Control Take Flight

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Meet Tyler, a certified flight instructor with years of experience in the aviation industry. Tyler has been teaching student pilots of all levels, from complete beginners to advanced certified flight instructors. He is a dedicated and passionate instructor who is committed to helping his students achieve their goals.

After completing his training, Tyler transitioned to civilian aviation, opened Venture West and has been working as a flight instructor ever since. He holds a commercial pilot’s license and multiple certifications, including his certified flight instructor certificate.

Tyler’s teaching style is patient and personalized, adapting to the needs of each individual student. He believes that the key to successful flight training is clear communication and a focus on safety. He also encourages his students to be active participants in their own learning, promoting a hands-on approach to training.

In his free time, when not instructing, Tyler indulges in an array of sports and delves into the intricacies of business. He also likes to spend time with his family and friends, and enjoys outdoor activities. He is always happy to share his passion for aviation with others, and is excited to be a part of your flight training journey.


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