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Torque Affect


Torque is a twisting force that acts on an airplane’s fuselage and can cause the airplane to rotate or yaw in one direction. It is caused by the rotation of the engines or propellers and can be a significant consideration when designing and flying an airplane.

When an airplane’s engines or propellers are turning, they produce a torque that tends to rotate the airplane in the opposite direction. For example, if an airplane has an engine or propeller on the right side that is turning clockwise, it will produce a torque that will try to rotate the airplane to the left. This effect is most pronounced on single-engine aircraft, but it can also be a concern for multi-engine aircraft that are not properly balanced.

Torque can be a problem for pilots during takeoff and climb. As the airplane’s engines or propellers are producing maximum power, the torque effect is at its highest, making it more difficult for the pilot to keep the airplane flying straight. To counteract this effect, pilots use the rudder to apply opposite inputs and maintain the desired flight path.

On large commercial aircraft, torque is managed by the design of the engines themselves. High-bypass turbofan engines, which are typically used on large commercial jets, have a larger fan at the front of the engine that moves more air, effectively reducing the torque effect.

Another way to deal with torque effect is by using Contra-rotating propellers, where two sets of propellers rotating in opposite directions, this helps to reduce the torque effect on the aircraft and allows for more efficient generation of thrust.

Overall, torque is a natural consequence of the rotation of an airplane’s engines or propellers, it can have a significant impact on an airplane’s performance and safety during takeoff and climb, it’s important for pilots to be aware of the torque effect and know how to counteract it to maintain safe and stable flight.




P-factor, also known as “asymmetric propeller loading,” is a phenomenon that can occur when an airplane is in a climb or descent and one of the propellers is producing more thrust than the other. This can cause the airplane to yaw, or turn, in the direction of the more heavily loaded propeller.

The reason for P-factor is that the angle of attack of the propeller blades changes as the airplane climbs or descends. When the airplane is in a climb, the upward angle of the propeller blade on the ascending side of the aircraft is greater than the angle of the blade on the descending side. This difference in angle of attack causes the blade on the ascending side to produce more thrust than the blade on the descending side, which can cause the airplane to yaw in the direction of the ascending propeller.

Conversely, when the airplane is in a descent, the angle of attack of the blade on the descending side is greater than the angle of the blade on the ascending side, causing the descending side to produce more thrust and causing the airplane to yaw in that direction.

P-factor can be a problem for pilots during takeoff and climb, as the airplane’s engines are producing maximum power, the P-factor effect is at its highest, making it more difficult for the pilot to keep the airplane flying straight. To counteract this effect, pilots use the rudder to apply opposite inputs and maintain the desired flight path.

The strength of the P-factor effect is directly proportional to the angle of climb/descent, and decreases as the airplane’s speed increases. With higher speed, the angle of attack of the propellers blades changes less, and thus P-factor becomes less of an issue.

Overall, P-factor is a natural phenomenon that occurs when an airplane is in a climb or descent, it can cause the airplane to yaw and make it difficult for the pilot to maintain a straight flight path. Pilots must be aware of the P-factor effect and know how to counteract it by using the rudder to maintain the desired flight path.


Spiraling Slipstream


Spiraling slipstream is a phenomenon that occurs when the airflow around an airplane’s propeller is not symmetrical, causing the airplane to yaw or rotate in one direction. It can happen when the airplane’s engines or propellers are not properly aligned or when the airplane is in a climb or descent, creating a non-symmetrical airflow.

The spiraling slipstream is caused by the airflow around the propeller blades. As the propeller spins, it creates a circular flow of air called a slipstream, which flows around the airplane’s fuselage. When the slipstream is not symmetrical, it creates a twisting force on the fuselage, causing the airplane to yaw or rotate in one direction.

One cause of spiraling slipstream is a misaligned engine or propeller, which can cause the airflow around the propeller to be non-symmetrical. This can be caused by mechanical issues such as a damaged engine mount or a bent propeller blade.

Another cause of spiraling slipstream is a climb or descent, which can cause the airflow around the propeller to be non-symmetrical. This can occur when the airplane is climbing at a high angle of attack, causing the airflow on one side of the propeller to be more turbulent than the other.

Spiraling slipstream can affect an airplane’s performance, making it difficult for the pilot to maintain a straight flight path. Pilots must be aware of the spiraling slipstream effect and know how to counteract it by using the rudder to maintain the desired flight path. Pilots should also perform regular maintenance check and troubleshoot any mechanical issues that might cause the phenomenon.

In summary, Spiraling Slipstream is a phenomena caused by asymmetrical airflow around the propeller of an airplane. It can occur when the airplane’s engines or propellers are not properly aligned or when the airplane is in a climb or descent, it can cause the airplane to yaw or rotate in one direction, making it difficult for the pilot to maintain a straight flight path. Pilots should be aware of the spiraling slipstream effect and know how to counteract it and identify and troubleshoot the mechanical issues that might cause it.


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